In today’s modern textile industry, to handle the huge demand for quality textiles, a consistent Humidity, Temperature, and Dust-free production environment has to be maintained.

Uniform humidity conditions across the production area help in achieving consistent quality yarn, which has uniform yarn strength, homogeneous moisture content, and less hairiness. 

Return air filtration is an essential part of the Humidification system to remove fluff and dust along with heat generated from the textile production machine. Air extracted from the production area is filtered continuously using automatic rotary drum filters and dust is collected in compacted form using screw compactors.

Irrespective of outside ambient conditions, uniform humidity & temperature conditions need to be maintained by proper mixing of return air and fresh air using air control dampers.

The Air washer system with spray nozzles humidifies the air which is distributed throughout the production area to achieve homogeneous conditions.

High-efficiency Axial flow fans are an essential part of the humidification system. With total fan efficiencies in the range of 82 – 86% and air washer spray pumps controlled through VFD, our plants are designed to provide the best performance at optimum power consumption.

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